For entrepreneurs, coaches, and business leaders who want to maximize their visibility, credibility, and revenue…

Hosted by Sara Connell, Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, and Founder of Thought Leader Academy

I will show you how to write your own bestseller and 10X your impact and income in a one-time Live and FREE Event… but spots are limited, so click the button below to save your seat now!

Friday, March 1 from 11:00am – 12:30 pm ET

the view
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At This Special Event, You’ll Find Out…

Friday, March 1 from 11:00am – 12:30 pm ET


Entrepreneur Secret #1

The step-by-step process that thousands of successful women who I’ve helped (including myself) have used to take our expertise and turn it into bestselling books.

Entrepreneur Secret #2

The 3 factors that help you pinpoint your personal “Best-Seller Zone” before you write a single word.

Entrepreneur Secret #3

The best kind of books for an entrepreneur to 2X or even 3X their visibility and credibility.

Entrepreneur Secret #4

A secret, simple framework that will help you write your bestseller in a matter of weeks, even if you’ve never written before.

Entrepreneur Secret #5

My proven strategy to turn readers into leads and clients before they finish reading your book.

There are people out there who need to know about your work, your mission, and your movement.

Your mission . . .

Your movement. Whose lives would be transformed by experiencing your genius?

The only person who can make that a reality is YOU.

Having helped thousands of people take their burning ideas out of their heads and onto the page, I know how hard this can be.

When you’re juggling life and not sure where to start, running a business, and responsible for sales, the idea of finishing a chapter, let alone publishing an entire book, can seem overwhelming.

So I need you to know these two things:

#1: You are capable of writing not just an amazing book, but a BEST-SELLING book

#2: You DON’T have to do this alone.

The women I helped achieve this have also had doubts and a hectic business to juggle. But when they followed this process, they were able to become best-selling authors WITHOUT sacrificing their business growth or personal life.

Many are now speakers, have appeared on podcasts or shows, been invited to conventions, and had their lives changed forever… all while impacting thousands or even millions of others.

In this special live event, I will show you the step-by-step process they followed.

These secrets are the same many have happily paid thousands for.

I’m sharing them for free because a book saved my life, and I want to ensure that your life-changing mission gets into the hands of those who need it.

So join me on and discover how to make your book a reality AND to monetize that book into an income-generating machine.

Just hit the button below to save your free seat, and I look forward to seeing you there.

– Sara Connell

Friday, March 1 from 11:00am – 12:30 pm ET

In This Special Live Event You’ll Also Discover…

How you already have the content for your book inside you

How you can use AI and my team to vastly accelerate the writing process

How you push past the “inner critic” or doubt that stops too many entrepreneurs from reaching the thousands more people they are here to serve

How your book within the first chapter can let your ideal client know YOU are the person they MUST work with next

The SUCCESS PLAN every author I’ve known uses to take their book from vague idea to best-seller racing up the charts

And much, much more…

Friday, March 1 from 11:00am – 12:30 pm ET

Meet Some of Our Authors!

Hundreds of coaches, writers and entrepreneurs are making the impact they feel called to make and increasing their income by becoming successful, published authors and in-demand speakers!

How a low point during COVID gave birth to a bestseller

Pirie Grossman

How Jennifer launched a multimedia bestseller!

Jennifeir Ludngton

How Donna became a bestselling children’s book author & speaker

Donna Beasley

How Alex shared her truth and became a bestseller

Alex Kuisis

How Inger got an agent after writing a New York Times article!

Inger Burnett

How Justine found the courage to publish her memoir and start her movement

Justine Moore Sloan

Diana Matuszak

After spending my entire life navigating disordered eating, body image, and the search for confidence in myself, my passion for teaching young women how to find ultimate joy and happiness in their own body and lives was born into my book, To Kale And Back: Dith The Rules and Learn to Thrive In Food, Fitness, and Life. The process of writing was made so enjoyable and simple with the help of Sara and my editor. I reached Amazon Best Seller in 3 different categories, including the #1 new release on the day of my launch. Working with Sara is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Megan McCann

I had a dream of writing a book for years but in February I felt compelled to go for it. With Sara’s help, I wrote, published, and hit #1 new release & bestselling author on Amazon in 4 months- during the pandemic! I am now selling out virtual retreats, have been featured in the media, and receive emails from readers letting me know how my book has impacted them.

Susan Gidel

Susan grew up with commodities in her back yard, on a farm that raised corn and cattle. Fascinated by what makes prices change every day, she spent her entire career in the commodities business. First as a journalist, later at a brokerage firm. Studying astrology as it applies to the markets gives her the answers she’s been seeking.

Alex Kuisis

Alex’s life was turned upside down when she was falsely accused of a crime.

She not only was found innocent but went on to write a book that has won awards, is being read in school curriculum lists and has inspired thousands about the power of love over fear.

Lettie Sullivan

Lettie wrote two bestsellers and became a leader for women to find faith and connection amidst the devastating effects of racism and prejudice.

Her books led to serving over 13,000 in her Eclipsing Injustice series and leading a movement of unity over division.

Pirie Grossman

Pirie’s pandemic bestseller led to speaking engagements, a podcast tour and a 6-figure week at her book’s launch!

She continues to speak to women around the globe on creating new chapters and epic lives after 50!

sara connell


I’m Sara Connell. After a book saved my life 17 years ago, I devoted my life to coaches, experts, and entrepreneurs making a massive impact on the world. I vowed to help them reach thousands, even millions of people through books, speaking, influencing and serving.

That vow has created a magical life – one that took me to places like The Oprah Winfrey Show, The New York Times, Forbes, and TEDx. I founded Thought Leader Academy, where I have had the gift of coaching thousands of exceptional individuals who themselves, are now changing the lives of millions through their movements.


If you know you have a book in you, are here to impact more people, speak on bigger stages, to light the world on fire with your expertise, it’s time.

Friday, March 1 from 11:00am – 12:30 pm ET