From Book to Brand: The Journey of a Thought Leader

From Book to Brand: The Journey of a Thought Leader

From Book to Brand: The Journey of a Thought Leader

A great book can change the life of one reader or even millions. But that same book can also change the course of the author’s life forever. Instantly, you, the author, are seen as a leader in your field. You are an industry expert. A bestselling book establishes you as a thought leader. —it’s about shaping your brand and emerging as a thought leader in your industry.

You may not think of yourself as a thought leader (yet.) By the time you finish your book though, you’ll have reached a new level of mastery over your content and be in the position to make a significant impact by sharing valuable insights, sparking meaningful conversations, and positively influencing others’ thoughts and actions.

Writing the Book

Thought leadership begins with a passion and a vision to make a positive impact on the world. Writing a book is not just about putting words on paper —it’s about creating an asset that introduces new paradigms, ideas and frameworks that will shape culture. 

Your book is the foundation of your platform, enabling you to reach audiences you’d never have reached by focusing only on 1:1 work or serving people only in your geographic area.

After a book saved my life, I knew I’d spend the rest of my life paying that gift forward. The journey to published author required me to develop increased courage, discipline, and leadership. I see this same transformation in the hundreds of amazing coaches, experts and entrepreneurs I coach. The writing and publishing process becomes a transformational journey that will change your own, and then readers’ lives. 


Exploring Resources in the Literary Community

Once you’ve officially decided to write a book, you become part of the literary community. There are a wealth of resources available, many of them free. The in person and online literary community offers invaluable resources to support your journey and empower you to go all the way with your book. Courses, workshops, and 1:1 mentorship provide guidance, structure, and insights into the writing process. 

Engaging with these resources can help you refine your writing skills, gain industry knowledge, and connect with fellow authors who share similar aspirations. You’ll fasttrack your success by being “in the room” with authors and publishing experts who will share insider knowledge and their proven roadmaps to each step in the process. 

Take advantage of writing insights, tips, and tricks on Youtube and start reaching bestseller status even sooner! 


The Writing Process: Ups and Downs, Challenges and Triumphs

The writing process is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with ups and downs, challenges, and moments of triumph. You get to take care of yourself as you write. Walks in nature, museum visits, travel, workouts, reading books you love, meditation, time with friends – find things that nourish you and make sure to do at least one per week. This will keep your creative well full and your heart nourished. 

Caring for yourself, finding inspiration in unlikely places and persevering through the challenges will ultimately lead you to create a work of art that resonates with readers.

Choosing a Publication Path

With your manuscript complete, the next step is choosing a publication path that aligns with your goals and vision. 

Traditional publishing offers the opportunity to work with established publishing houses that may have an expanded reach but oftentimes at the compromise of complete creative control. While self-publishing grants you full creative say over your work and a faster route to market, you can miss out on industry expertise and in-house marketing to get your books into the hands of readers. 

Hybrid publishing combines elements of both traditional and self-publishing. This path involves partnering with a publisher who shares the investment and profits of your book. . 

Want to find your perfect path to publication?

Check out our FREE Masterclass


Marketing Beyond Your Inner Circle

Once your words are on the page, the next crucial step is to ensure that your book reaches the hands of eager readers. This is where effective marketing plays a vital role. 

Utilizing various marketing channels, such as social media platforms, author events, and collaborations, opens up opportunities to engage with potential readers and create a buzz around your work. By leveraging these platforms and events, you can effectively showcase your book and build a community of readers who resonate with your message. 

Marketing is not just about selling your book; it’s about building connections, fostering relationships, and establishing your author brand. Through thoughtful marketing strategies, you can ensure your book finds its way into the hands of those who will appreciate and benefit from it the most and secure your space as a Best Seller and thought leader.


Your Book as Your Brand, A Sea Of Opportunities

Within the pages of your book, you communicate not only your expertise but also your values, your approach, and your distinct voice. It serves as the core of your personal brand, setting you apart from the crowd and capturing the attention of your audience. As you continue to share your knowledge, experiences, and insights, your brand evolves, expanding its reach and attracting more opportunities.

A bestselling book becomes the cornerstone of your personal brand that helps elevate you from an author to a thought leader. It solidifies your expertise, broadens your reach, and establishes you as a trusted authority in your industry. Through the power of your words, you have the potential to leave an indelible mark on the world and forge a lasting legacy that extends far beyond the written page.


Becoming a Thought Leader

A thought leader is more than just a popular figure in their field. They are individuals who make a significant impact by: 

  • Sharing valuable insights
  • Sparking meaningful conversations, audience-wide
  • Influence others’ thoughts and actions positively
  • Bringing innovative ideas to your industry 
  • Being a trusted authority

Engaging in public speaking engagements, conducting workshops, or hosting webinars to share your knowledge and expertise with a broader audience is an excellent way to rise up into Thought Leadership and generate increased revenue. 

Choose your favorite social media channels and start posting daily. By consistently sharing valuable content and contributing to industry conversations, you can establish a powerful online presence, cultivate lasting relationships, and amplify your positive impact.

Thought Leadership shouldn’t be underestimated. Staying ahead of industry trends, embracing new perspectives, and refining your skills are essential components involved if you want to rise from the author ranks, but with effort, you can position yourself as a thought leader who drives meaningful change and influences the trajectory of your field.


Your journey doesn’t end once your book becomes a bestseller—it’s only the beginning. As you navigate new opportunities and continue to share your unique insights, you’re not just building your brand—you’re influencing change, one reader at a time.

Whether you’re an aspiring author or an established professional, your book could be the platform that propels you toward thought leadership. 

Become the leader you came here to be and make the impact you came here to make.

Are you ready to become a Thought Leader?

What Comes After a Bestseller: A Writer’s Journey Doesn’t End

What Comes After a Bestseller: A Writer’s Journey Doesn’t End

What Comes After A Bestseller: A Writer’s Journey Doesn’t End

What happens after you’ve reached that coveted status? Does your writing journey come to an end? Not at all! In fact, this is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of setting goals, overcoming obstacles, embracing new opportunities, and maximizing your potential as a writer beyond the bestseller label.


Set New Goals and Keep Moving Forward

Congratulations on achieving bestseller status! Now, it’s time to channel that success into fresh aspirations and maintain your momentum as a writer. In this journey, prioritizing and focusing on new goals will be the key to your continued success. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can set your sights on exciting new horizons.

Take a moment to reflect on what you want to accomplish next. Do you envision completing your next book, venturing into a different genre, or perhaps expanding your influence as a speaker? It’s essential to choose goals that truly resonate with your passion and align with your long-term vision for your writing career. These objectives should challenge you and motivate you to step out of your comfort zone, paving the way for personal growth.

To ensure that your goals are not just dreams, but actionable steps towards success, make them specific and measurable. Instead of vaguely aiming to finish your next book, set a concrete target like completing the first draft within a specific timeframe. If your ambition is to secure paid speaking opportunities, define the number of engagements you aim to land and craft a plan to actively pursue them.

Remember, by setting specific and clear goals that are closely tied to your newfound success, you establish a roadmap that will guide you toward continued growth and accomplishment. Stay motivated, stay focused, and keep reaching for the stars!

Bridging the Gap: Your Path to Next-Level Success

You’ve got big goals, and now it’s time to close the distance between where you are now and where you want to be. Let’s dive into the steps that will propel you towards your next great triumph. But first, remember that reaching new heights takes effort and strategic action. So, let’s identify the path and make it happen.

Seeking support from like-minded individuals can be a game-changer. Find yourself some accountability partners who share your ambitions and will hold you to your commitments. They’ll be there to cheer you on, keep you focused, and provide that extra push when you need it. Consider reaching out to a writing coach or mentor who has already achieved the success you’re aiming for. Their expertise and insights will be invaluable as you navigate the journey ahead.

You’ve got this! The distance between where you are now and your next level of success is within your reach. So, let’s bridge that gap, one step at a time, and watch your dreams unfold before your eyes.


Embrace the Power of Your Actions: Let the Process Guide You

Welcome to the world of the processional effect—an empowering mindset that will propel you towards success on your writing journey. This mindset is all about believing in the power of your actions and understanding that every step you take contributes to your growth and abundance as a writer. So, let’s dive in and explore how embracing the process can lead you to new heights.

We all have that burning desire for immediate results and instant gratification. But here’s the secret: shift your focus from the end goal to the actions you take along the way. By immersing yourself in the process, you’ll find joy in every step and fully engage in the present moment.

Not only does the processional effect benefit you personally, but it also enhances your creativity and productivity. When you shift your focus from outcomes to actions, you open yourself up to exploration, experimentation, and taking bold risks in your writing. This freedom gives rise to fresh ideas, innovative approaches, and unexpected breakthroughs.

To fully embrace the processional effect, trust yourself and your abilities as a writer. Believe in your skills, talents, and unique voice. Recognize that every step you take is an opportunity for growth and improvement. Nourish your mind with positive affirmations, surround yourself with uplifting influences, and celebrate every milestone along the way.

Track Your Actions and Stay Accountable

Let’s talk about the power of tracking your actions. It’s an absolute game-changer when it comes to maintaining momentum and staying focused on your writing goals. By keeping a record of your progress and celebrating milestones along the way, you’ll stay motivated and empowered on your journey to becoming a bestselling author. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can effectively track your actions.

First things first, identify the key metrics or activities that matter most to your writing goals. Maybe it’s the time you spend writing each day, the number of pitches you send to publishers, or the growth of your online presence. Choose the metrics that align with your objectives and make them an integral part of your tracking process.

But that’s not all—tracking your actions also gives you the opportunity to celebrate milestones along the way. Yes, big dreams are important, but let’s not forget about the smaller victories that occur throughout your journey. Completing a challenging chapter, receiving positive feedback from readers, or achieving a personal writing milestone—all of these are reasons to celebrate! By acknowledging these wins, you boost your motivation, confidence, and overall enjoyment of the writing process.

Stay Open to Surprises: Embrace the Unexpected for Your Writing Success

Here’s the deal: while having a clear vision of success is fantastic, it’s equally important to stay flexible and welcome unforeseen opportunities with open arms. You never know what hidden gems might be hiding just around the corner, ready to transform your writing career into something beyond your wildest imaginings.

First, actively seek out these game-changing surprises. Dive into your writing community headfirst! Attend conferences, join writing groups, and participate in networking events. By immersing yourself in this vibrant world, you increase your chances of stumbling upon unforeseen opportunities that could shape your writing destiny. Picture it: collaborations with fellow authors, invitations to contribute to exciting publications, or even chances to showcase your voice at prestigious events.

Remember, not every unexpected opportunity will be a perfect fit for you or your long-term goals. That’s where your discernment comes into play. Trust your instincts and evaluate each opportunity based on its alignment with your values, vision, and growth trajectory. Stay true to yourself and make informed decisions that resonate with your writing journey.

Reflect, Refocus, and Reach Your Writing Goals

Let’s take a moment to reflect on your journey and course correct towards success. It’s time to evaluate your progress, identify any roadblocks, and adjust your approach to keep that goal of becoming a bestselling author alive and thriving.

Reflection is the name of the game. Take a step back and objectively assess your writing voyage thus far. Look at the big picture. Celebrate your achievements, acknowledge the challenges you’ve faced, and consider the strategies you’ve employed. Now, it’s time to ask yourself some important questions:

What’s been working like a charm for me? Which actions or approaches have brought about positive results? Have there been any obstacles or challenges that have slowed me down? How have they impacted my progress? Have I achieved the goals I set for myself? If not, what factors might have contributed to that?

By honestly and objectively evaluating your progress, you’ll gain invaluable insights into where you currently stand and which areas may require a little extra TLC. This reflection process is an opportunity for personal growth and self-awareness as a writer. Embrace it!

Once you’ve pinpointed the areas for improvement or challenges that need tackling, it’s time to course-correct like a pro. Here’s your roadmap:

Analyze the obstacles: Break down those challenges and get to the root causes. Is it a time management issue? Are you struggling with a specific writing technique? Understanding the underlying issues will pave the way for effective solutions.

Seek solutions: Armed with a clear understanding of the obstacles, brainstorm potential strategies or seek guidance from mentors, writing coaches, or workshops. Don’t be shy about investing in your growth and seeking out new knowledge and techniques.

Becoming a bestseller is a remarkable achievement, but it’s only the beginning of an extraordinary writing journey. By prioritizing your goals, embracing new opportunities, tracking your progress, and staying open to surprises, you can navigate the path beyond bestseller status with confidence and purpose. Trust the process, celebrate your achievements, and continue to unleash your potential as a writer. Your next great success awaits, and the possibilities are limitless!

Are you ready to be our next bestseller?

And mark your calendars because The Thought Leader Lounge is where it’s at! Join us every Monday at 12:00 ET for a dose of writing wisdom and inspiration that will fuel your journey to bestselling success!

Become a Master Storyteller: Writing Courses to Reach your Goals

Become a Master Storyteller: Writing Courses to Reach your Goals

Become a Master Storyteller: Writing Courses to Reach your Goals

Are you ready to unlock your creative potential and embark on a transformative writing journey? As writers, we all yearn to captivate readers with our unique stories, ideas and frameworks.  20 years ago, a book saved my life. Your voice, your message can be a lifeline for readers and change the landscape of our culture. This can sound like a daunting mission but the good news is that you don’t have to navigate this path alone. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of writing courses and how they can empower you to become a master author.

Mastering the Art of Storytelling

Whether you’re writing a fiction, non-fiction, spiritual, personal growth, business, leadership, or memoir book, using story effectively will be an essential step in creating impact for your reader and getting you on the bestseller list.

Readers remember content told through story significantly more than content delivered in data, straight information or summary.

This is where the adage “show, don’t tell” comes into play. 

See if these two examples feel different to you:

  1. During WWII, my great uncles were split into different troops. After months of painful separation they found each other at midnight mass on Christmas Eve. 

Now, if you’re interested in family or WWII stories (this one is true) you might remember this mini story. But see if it lands any differently here:

  1. “Have you seen Jerry L’Herault- know if he’s alive?” This is the question my Uncle Bud asked every Sargeant, General, Captain and Private he came across in the long months between the D-Day invasion when he was sent to Omaha Beach and his brother Jerry was sent to  . . . he had no idea where Jerry had been sent.

    At night, the longing to see his brother ate at his liver. The loneliness was so bad, sometimes he’d get wet bowels and throw up the canned meat he’d had for dinner. His division moved from Normandy to countless towns and villages. By December, they’d been taken deep into the Ardennes. The Army-issued wool coats were warm but no match for the cold. The tents were crap. Even sleeping, the men looked like they were smoking when they breathed. Christmas Eve seemed unbearable. He thought of his mother, now dead, singing Ava Maria in the kitchen as she hand-pressed almond Spritz cookies onto baking sheets. There was no smell of almond essence, melting butter, or the crunch of sugar here. 

That evening, the men were told there’d been a cease fire and they could go to church at midnight if they wished. Bud marched with a couple of other guys, also Catholic, through the snow and under the stone archway of the small chapel. The stained glass windows fogged with the heat of bodies. Thick incense snaked in coiled clouds into the air. Bud coughed. 

There was music. A single cantor opened her mouth at the lectern. Ava Maria. It was too much. Bud’s vision smeared. He wiped his face with the sleeve of his jacket. That’s when he saw him. Jerry. Head bowed, two rows up and to the right. Must be a hallucination. What Freud would call “wish fulfillment.” But then the boy turned. It was Jerry. No doubt. Bud shoved past the men in his pew. The singer reached a high C. “Jerry,” Bud yelled. Mass could be damned. Jerry was here, alive, real.” 

What did you notice between the two versions? Whether you like the short, quick style of version one, or the more descriptive paragraphs of version 2, the question is if you found one more memorable or impactful than the other? 

When we write in story, versus summary or data, we bring the reader “into the room” with us. Before I took writing classes I didn’t know the 3 simple moves we can make as writers to elevate our writing from beginner to pro:

  1. Sensory description
  2. Details vs general
  3. Dialogue

Like many of us who’ve not had the opportunity or inclination to take a creative writing course, I’d first write something general.  Example: My mother drove up in her car. 

But think about how much more your reader will engage with your story if you use some sensory detail.

It was May and already humid when my mother drove up in her car. 

We now know the time of year and setting (somewhere warm.) It’s not a ton but the reader is drawn in more than in the first sentence. They may even feel the sticky heat on their arms.

Let’s add details vs generalities.

It was May and already humid in Vermont when my mother drove up in her Mercedes. 

Compare that to:

It was May and already humid in Charleston when my mother drove up in her station wagon.


It was May and already humid in Nebraska when my sixty-year-old mother drove up in her VW Van. 

Without giving a whole bunch of data, we know quite a bit about the mother in your book for just one sentence. We know something about each mother’s socioeconomic status (or at least access), geography, and in one example, her age. This creates interest in the reader, curiosity and a desire to read more.

Now let’s add dialogue.

It was May and already humid in Charleston when my mother drove up in her station wagon. “Get in,” she yelled, loud enough for the neighbors to hear. “I just left your father.”

It was May and already humid in Vermont when my mother drove up in her Mercedes. “Vite! Vite! Allons-y. It’s done.” 

In the first example we have a whole dramatic plot started. The mother has just left the father. In two sentences, you’ve built a world. 

In the second, we know the mother is French or at least speaks some French. We may be curious about where she’s rushing to, or where you are and if the family is visiting from a French speaking country, or if this is an affectation. And we’re likely curious about what’s “done.”

There are many simple but powerful “moves” we can make to elevate our writing to more masterful status. Some writers say they learned the craft only through reading other people’s books.

Gaining Invaluable Knowledge and Expertise

When you “go pro” by taking a writing course or working with a mentor, you’ll learn the secret tricks great writers use to place their work in high demand. As an author and thought leader who availed herself of these pro strategies, you’ll be asked to write articles, guest blog and write more books. Entrepreneur colleagues told me I was wasting my time by taking writing classes. “Everyone knows how to write.” But as Mark Twain said, “the difference between a good word and the right word is like the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.” 

By enrolling in writing courses and workshops, you gain access to top authors and quickly learn and employ their insights, techniques, and strategies that can help you refine your storytelling abilities. The best part: you’ll receive personalized feedback and constructive critique that sharpens your skills and hones your ability to wield words with precision. With the guidance of these experienced instructors, you’ll navigate the intricate nuances of writing with confidence, paving the way to your massive success!


Refining Your Writing Technique

Every writer has a unique style, and good writing courses and workshops will empower you with techniques and strategies to make YOUR style shimmer, not impose someone else’s style on your writing. As sensational as Maya Angelou and Tony Morrison and Brene Brown’s books are, the world already has access to their voices. Now we need your voice, your style, your brilliance. 

Engaging in workshops or critique sessions allows you to gain different interpretations of your work, identify blind spots, and receive constructive criticism that helps you refine your writing technique. These courses provide the ideal space for growth and self-discovery. Combining craft with your brilliance will bring the world something new, and readers will love you for it. 

Finding Your Unique Voice

Your writing “voice” is exactly what will separate you from other writers. Are you funny, persuasive, inspirational, or wacky and sardonic like David Sedaris? Bringing YOU to the page is the goal and you do that by pairing your one-of-a-kind voice with masterful craft. 


Understanding the Business of Writing

Many of my clients wish they could write a book, slap it up on Amazon and millions of people would find and read it. But the business of writing is an entirely second role that all authors must master. 

Becoming a bestselling author requires more than just captivating storytelling; it also demands a deep understanding of the publishing industry’s business side. Attending publishing and book marketing courses is a crucial step for anyone that wants to make a big impact and achieve financial success with her book. 

In our Thought Leader Academy, we spend as much, (or more!), time on the marketing, platform-building and monetizing aspects of writing your book as we do on the craft. Both are important and both are essential to reaching your vision of becoming a successful, published author. 

Thanks to the pandemic, you can now find excellent business and publishing masterclasses, workshops, retreats and classes online. You can do these courses in your yoga pants or your pajamas but you’ll want to dedicate yourself to learning the business in addition to the craft when you start your book. I host at least two free writing/publishing classes a month and there are many generous leaders in the publishing industry who do the same. Twenty years ago, learning the business of writing was challenging. Access was limited to more gatekeepers from the publishing giants in New York, London and Berlin. As an author myself and a book coach, I believe now is the best time in history to publish a book!

Building a Supportive Writing Community

You’ll reach success years faster by being part of a writing community. My career and life opened up in the most exciting ways by joining writing groups and participating in the literary and entrepreneur community. Because of showing up in groups, I’ve been invited to speak on stages, appear on podcasts, moderate panels and present at writing conferences. Big groups have rallied for my book launches and I do the same for theirs. Life, writing, business is so much more pleasurable when we do it in community.  Peer feedback, group discussions, and networking opportunities create a sense of camaraderie that will keep you going and magnify your impact when you publish. 

Embrace the Opportunities for Growth

Ultimately, your journey to becoming a published, bestselling author is one of self- transformation. You’re stepping into a new identity, a new version of yourself.

You deserve the journey to be joyful, fun, inspiring and motivating. This will happen when you go to in person or online classes and events. Every time I go to a “write-in”, take a workshop or gift myself a weekend at a writing conference, I leave vibrating with ideas, passion and excitement about my next book. At the AWP writing conference (an annual event that typically has over 20,000 writers and publishers in attendance) I leave on a high. That excitement and gratitude and new ideas sustain me for months. 

You could attend a writing course or workshop every day for a year online and never leave your home. It’s that easy to get filled up now. 

Enrolling in a writing course will unleash your creative potential, refine your skills, and connect you with a supportive community. Embrace the transformative power of writing courses and embark on a journey that will shape you into a master storyteller. Your dreams of captivating readers and making a lasting impact are within reach. Join us on this extraordinary adventure and discover the writer you were always meant to be.

If you’re reading this, it’s your turn to take your writing to the world.

Learn about our free writing courses and ignite your creative fire.

Don’t forget to join us every Monday at 12:00 ET in The Thought Leader Lounge for valuable tips on writing like a pro and reaching the bestseller list. Plus, check out our inspiring video on the power of writing courses here:

From Manuscript to Bookshelf: How to Get Your Book Published

From Manuscript to Bookshelf: How to Get Your Book Published

From Manuscript to Bookshelf: How to Get Your Book Published

Welcome to the exciting journey of turning your manuscript into a published book! I’m so excited you’re here! Books have the power to change lives and shape our world. As a bestselling author, coach, and TEDx speaker, I understand the passion and dedication it takes to bring a book into the world. I also know that if you’re reading this you know you have a book in you and I want to make sure you fulfill your vision and step into the thrilling world of being a published author. In this blog post, I will guide you through the essential steps, insider tips, and some industry secrets to help you navigate the publishing process with confidence. Whether you dream of becoming a bestseller or sharing your story with a wider audience, this is your roadmap to success.

Choosing a Bestselling Book Idea

There’s a saying that goes, “passion in the writer = passion in the reader.” When you start with your passion and combine the fire with your expertise, you set your reader up for a high value and inspiring experience. To hone in on your bestselling idea, ask yourself if YOU wanted to write this book and eliminate any “shoulds” (books that others have told you to write yet you don’t feel excited by the idea.) Then list your personal and professional lived experiences that have made you an expert. Have you healed yourself of a condition, lived abroad, helped your child get into her dream college, helped hundreds of clients start a successful business, or navigated the corporate world from associate to the C-Suite? 

Choose a topic that  truly lights a fire within you on which you have wisdom to share. When you start with passion + expertise, you set the reader up for a remarkable journey that will  make reading your book a transformational experience.


Solving Problems and Fulfilling Dreams

The status of “bestseller” is determined by the number of copies sold. To have readers devouring your book and posting about it from every platform, and having media producers booking you on their shows, focus on helping to solve your reader’s challenges or achieve a goal or dream. By doing this, your book has the power to be a lighthouse in their dark moments, and a guide to summit their next mountain. 

When crafting your book, consider the problems or obstacles your ideal reader or client may face. Dive deep into their world and understand their pain points, desires, and aspirations.

You don’t need to tackle grandiose issues or provide all-encompassing solutions. Even small, meaningful transformations can have a profound impact on your readers’ lives. Think of James Clear’s Atomic Habits or Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages. Atomic Habits doesn’t solve someone’s entire organizational life problems and Gary Chapman doesn’t give the reader every single way to improve relationships. Both books create big wins for the reader and implementing the solutions presented makes profound changes in their lives. 

By empowering them to overcome hurdles and make progress, you establish yourself as a trusted authority and build a raving fans. Your book becomes a catalyst for change and a source of inspiration, gaining momentum and fueling its success.


Making Your Book Irresistible

In order for readers to rush to buy your book when it launches and for podcasts and tv producers to book you on their shows, it’s crucial to identify what makes your content relevant and urgent in the present moment.

In the media, this is called “finding the hook.” To discover the relevancy hook for your book, immerse yourself in the world of your potential readers. Engage with social media platforms, delve into comment sections, and pay attention to what people are discussing and asking. Scroll through news headlines and analyze current trends. This exploration helps you uncover the pressing issues, desires, and challenges that are on people’s minds.

Even if your book covers a timeless topic such as fitness or entrepreneurship, you can find a relevant angle that speaks to the current moment. For instance, if you are a health expert, during times of uncertainty like the COVID-19 pandemic, you might write a book on surprising ways to boost your immune system or inoculating your home from toxins. Health is always important, but the desire by readers to protect their bodies and families during a global pandemic will be at a crescendo height. 

If you want to supercharge your book’s irresistibility, give a unique name to your method,  process, or idea. Think of Malcolm Gladwell’s “Tipping Point”, Marie Kondo’s discerning phrase “Spark Joy”, Mel Robbins’ “Five Second Rule”, or Tim Ferris’ “Four Hour Workweek.” In a single phrase or concept, you change the cultural conversation and establish yourself as an industry expert. Hosts will want to interview you, mom’s groups, work teams and communities will start to use your “catch phrase.” You’ll not only have a bestselling book, but you’ll become the leader of a movement. 


Setting Goals and Prioritizing Action

Once you have your bestselling book idea, it’s time to write. Many of my clients feel daunted by the idea of a “whole book!” I have felt that way, too! Instead of thinking “I have to write a 300-page book today,” try creating a timeline for your book, chunking the milestones down into smaller increments.

I teach our clients what I call the “magic equation.” Take the estimated number of pages you envision for your book. Then divide that number by the number of weeks you’d like to spend writing. Then divide that number by the number of days a week you plan to write and you’ll have a much smaller target- the number of pages per day.

Say you want to write a 200-page personal growth book.

You’d like to finish in 12 weeks, or 3 months.

You can realistically devote 4 days a week to writing.

Take 200, divided by 12, divide by 4 and you’ll get 4. That’s 4 pages of writing per day. For most of us, 4 feels a lot more doable than 200. Each day, you just focus on those four pages. I like to create a visual to track my progress. For our clients, we’ve created digital and worksheet pages where they color in a square every time they complete a writing session. When your brain sees the progress you’re making, you’ll feel the positive feelings produced by dopamine and other happiness hormones. You’ll want to fill in those sections. You’ll want to go all the way.

Try out the magic equation on your book and see if it brings relief!

You can add even more motivation by creating a mock cover for your book and wrapping it around a current book from your bookshelf. Put your book on your desk so you see the finished vision as you put words on the screen. In the Buddhist tradition this is called “thinking from the end.” The more you see that symbol of your finished book, the more your brain will think it’s a done deal. Your subconscious mind will start nudging you to keep writing and you’ll draw opportunities and support to you just from this one technique.

Navigating Obstacles and Seeking Support

The path to getting your book published may not always be smooth. You may encounter obstacles, doubts, or moments of uncertainty. During these times, it’s essential to persevere and seek support. Connect with writing communities, join workshops, and learn from experienced authors who have walked a similar path. Research has shown that our success, achievements, even our money and health reflect the five people or groups with whom we spend the most time.

When I started as a writer, I didn’t know any published authors. I felt like “the only writer in Chicago.” Once I began taking workshops, classes, going to book launch events and conferences, and hired a writing coach, I found hundreds of amazing new friends and had hugely increased inspiration and accountability to keep writing. Connecting with mentors and other writers directly marks the moment when my path diverged from aspiring writer to published, bestselling author. 

Don’t do the journey solo! You can swap 10 years of wandering in the desert for one year to a published, bestselling book. I want you to have the fasttrack!

You now have a roadmap to travel from initial idea to published book. Keep writing with passion, connect with your readers, and share your unique voice with the world. Your book deserves to be embraced, and your story deserves to be heard!

We’re here to help.

To put yourself on the path to becoming a published author

Together, we’ll turn your manuscript into a bestseller!



Every author who has completed our program has finished AND published their book. Many have become Bestsellers.

How to Be a Bestseller: Top Strategies for Success

How to Be a Bestseller: Top Strategies for Success

How to Be a Bestseller: Top Strategies for Success

200 million people in America say they want to write a book but very few will actually follow through on their dream. Figuring out how to write and publish a book can feel daunting and after a few starts and stops many people abandon their goal, open up a pint of ice cream and turn on Netflix. Without guidance, it’s far too easy to get overwhelmed with work, kids, and those hundreds of emails a day. Too tempting to go back to being a consumer vs a creator.

But you’re reading this because you have a book in you. Maybe you’ve known this for years, even decades. Or maybe this is a new dream. Either way, you’re going to need more than a great idea. You need a full roadmap that includes a compelling idea, a way to build and inspire your audience and a way to attract your ideal people to work further with you. 

Draw the Reader in Through Storytelling

An immediate way you can connect with your reader and inspire them to read the rest of your book is to start with your story. I call this your Origin Story. Think of superheroes. Batman’s parents were killed behind the movie theater in Gotham City and Batman grows up to fight crime. That’s the origin story of his  mission. Every writer, thought leader and expert has a superhero origin story. There is a reason why you do the work you do, why you’re writing a book.

Your origin story may begin with trauma like Batman’s. Or a revelation, an innovative perspective you gained by pursuing a dream or a unique experience you encountered while traveling or living in another part of the world. To truly enroll your reader, include both your personal journey and your professional expertise in your topic.

Sharing your origin story creates rapport. Your honesty and intimacy proves to the reader that they can trust you. Sharing the personal or professional experience you have on your topic gives readers confidence that you are the person to guide, help and lead them to their next achievement. 

Strategic Book Title and Branding

Your book title is the first point of contact with potential readers, and it should grab their attention while conveying the essence of your message. A compelling title not only sparks curiosity but also sets the tone for your entire book.

I like to think of the title as the aspiration and the subtitle as the promise to your reader. If the title is Unforgettable, and the subtitle is, 7 Steps to Standing Out as an Industry Leader, the reader will gravitate toward their dream (being Unforgettable in the marketplace) and they’ll know by the end of the book they’ll have taken 7 steps to get there. 

If you already have a business, product, course or established brand, consider strategically aligning your title with your already established brand. If your course is called Millionaire Mom, make that the name of the book. The repetition of your brand in the book and products will strengthen visibility and then sales for you exponentially. 

Leverage the Power of Marketing

The most well written book will never make a bestseller if no one knows about it. You can hire a PR firm or run ads to your book but most of my clients choose organic marketing. I grew to making over $1Million per year only through organic strategies like guest speaking, appearing on podcasts, email newsletters and social media posts. Choose the type of marketing you enjoy most and start buzz about your book at least six months before you launch. I’ve coached my clients to create: sneak peeks, podcast tours, first chapter excerpts, behind the scenes interviews and book cover reveal videos. 

Choose your favorite social media platform and build up to more frequent posts. Reach out to influencers with big audiences of your ideal reader and ask if they’d share about your book in exchange for an advanced copy. There is an authentic and effective way for each author to market. Check out what other authors are doing and make a map of your personal marketing strategy based on your favorites. 

Build a Robust Author Platform

Your author platform is an extension of your marketing. It’s your sphere of influence. Your platform is a combination of all the places readers can find you and your book. Again, choose your favorite online outlets and be omnipresent there. Find out where your ideal readers consume content, look for book recommendations and ask questions. Make yourself available where your ideal reader already spends time and your book will shoot up the bestseller list. 

Participate in the Literary Community

One of the best ways to grow your audience and sell books is to attend and support literary events. When you show up (and bring friends!) to another author’s book signing, you’ll make a connection. That author and their friends may do the same when your book launches. 

You can meet editors, literary agents, media reps and show producers by participating in live and online book events. Every year, the AWP writing conference, for example, brings together over 20,000 writers and people in publishing. Breadloaf (the famous workshop hosted by Middlebury college) has intimate workshops in Europe and the US every summer. There are thousands of conferences, book events, workshops and retreats in the US alone every year. 

As much as we write solo, the business of writing is a team sport. Get out into your community and the online world. By supporting others, you’ll be inspired, meet great people and have a crowd around you when it’s your book’s turn. 

Enlist Beta Readers and Editors

The most famous and talented writers in the world have editors. Most of them also invite “beta”, or early readers, to get feedback before they publish each book. If the best writers work with editors, certainly you’ll want to engage an editor as you develop your craft. 

Professional editors bring a wealth of expertise to the table. They have a keen eye for detail, ensuring your book meets industry standards and is free from errors that could diminish its impact. Their expertise in language, pacing, structure, and grammar can elevate your writing to a professional level, increasing its chances of being well-received by readers and critics alike.

By incorporating feedback from beta readers and working with professional editors, you can refine your book, enhancing its quality and increasing its market appeal. This collaborative approach not only improves the overall reading experience but also positions your work for success in the competitive world of publishing. With their support, you can confidently move closer to achieving your goal of becoming a bestselling author.

Hire a Book/Writing Coach

After many years of aspiring to be published, I was introduced to a literary agent. She reviewed my manuscript and gave me an extensive list of recommended revisions. She said that if I made the changes she’d consider representing me. 

I’d wanted to be a published author since I wrote in my first journal at age 5. I returned from the agent meeting however and froze. I couldn’t get myself to do the revision work. I understand now I was afraid. Scared that I’d try my best, she’d decline and I’d find out I really didn’t have what it takes. That I wasn’t good enough. 

Luckily I’d heard about a writing coach in California. I didn’t want to spend money on a coach or let someone see how little I knew about writing a book, but I hired her. She gave me encouragement and accountability. She coached me to make each revision. Four months later, I flew to New York, presented the new manuscript and the agent signed me. We’re still friends, fifteen years later. 

I understood then that just like hiring a personal trainer or a business coach, that if I wanted success, I’d need support. I saw such miraculous results when I started working with an editor and then a writing coach that I went back for my masters degree in creative writing and editing and trained a team of editor-coaches: amazing, brilliant, professionals who brought both skills into one place for our clients. 

By hiring a coach, you gain a trusted partner who will support you every step of the way. Their mentorship will bring out the best in your work and have you navigating the writing process with confidence, increasing your chances of achieving bestseller status.

Want us to help you write your bestseller?

Writing a bestseller is an ambitious journey that demands dedication, strategic planning, and effective marketing. The journey is not only about reaching the destination but also about enjoying each step along the way. Embrace the joy of storytelling, the thrill of connecting with readers, and the satisfaction of honing your craft. Everything I wanted opened up as soon as I published that first book. The adventure has taken me to Oprah, The New York Times, the TEDx stage, and more.

Join me live every Monday for an online show like this one, answering your questions live and helping you break through your writing challenges!